What you feed is more important than how much you feed when considering how much to feed a dog. Feeding guidelines are based on kg/day, but this is misleading.
Do you ever wonder why carbohydrates aren't listed as a percentage on a pet food label? In canine nutrition what matters most is protein, fat, and other ...
Kibble can be 60% carbohydrates, but you should question if dogs need carbohydrates at all. Let's discuss.
Chia seeds are one of the easiest and most nutritious supplements we can use to boost the health of our dogs. Here's why!
First question - why is your dog underweight? It may be a reason you haven't considered, like diet, stress, or health. Here's how to fatten up your dog the ...
How many eggs should you feed a dog per day or week? This calculation should give you a rough idea of how many eggs you can feed your dog.
Rice is in many cat foods, but is it good for your cat? Let's look at the science and influences behind whether a cat can or should eat rice.
Is cheese a good treat for a cat? This depends on type of cheese, salt content, additives, and whether your cat is lactose tolerant. Read more - can cats eat ...
Probiotics are beneficial for any cat, but only when you address other vital issues first - namely diet. Read our guide to probiotics for cats (in Australia)!
One mega oversight makes this study into vegan cat food very flawed, yet viral media will convince veterinarians and cat owners to feed their cats a vegan diet.
The incredible egg! One of our "cancelled" super nutritious natural foods packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Should you feed raw eggs to your dog?
What should you know about cat food for urinary care before you accept product recommendations? How can you help your cat stay healthy for years to come?