Premium? Surely not. Read our ALDI Julius Gold dog food review, including Puppy & Lite formulas.
Is My Dog good for your dog? As one of the cheapest Mars brands, it's actually more coloured-cereals than anything meaty, even if it says "gourmet" on the bag. ...
Please don't buy your dog food from K-Mart. It's not their strong suit when it comes to dry dog food. Cereal by-products aren't healthy.
Review DetailsRatingWebsitePurina Beneful Purina Beneful It was about 5 years ago I first reviewed Purina Beneful for, a long ...
WTF comes to mind when you realise this "dog food" is essentially waste product from the grain industry. Definitely not recommended.
By-products of grain aren't a healthy diet for a dog. The reason this is cheap is it's not a nutritious canine diet.
Wheat is the worst diet for a dog. Purina Bonnie is wheat and corn, for carnivorous dogs. Not a recommended dog food.